Your Neighborhood Realtor for over 30 years!
Hello! I am and have been a full time Realtor for over 30 years and am very committed to the service I give my clients.
I live in Canton and have lived there for over 30 years. I grew up in Baltimore and have lived in over 8 different neighborhoods so I know Baltimore well. I work 7 days a week, check my messages throughout the day, and will try to get back with you right away. Even when I go on vacation I check in daily to make sure everything is running smoothly and my clients are getting the service they deserve.
I do a large amount of referral business and repeat business with past clients. I love to work with first time buyers to help them realize their dream of buying a home.
I enjoy my work and am very successful. I have a great networking system among fellow Realtors in many areas.
This is a list of some of the neighborhoods I work in, basically I can work well for you in all of Baltimore City and County as well as parts of Harford, Howard and Carroll Counties. I also work in Ocean City, MD. I can refer you to an agent anywhere in the country who will specialize in the neighborhood you are buying or selling in.
Some of the neighborhoods I specialize in: Baltimore-
Direct: 410-
Licensed in Maryland, USA
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Your Neighborhood Realtor
Cummings & Co. Realtors