Home Selling Process
The first step is to be sure you establish a good price for your home. Improper pricing is the most common mistake that costs home sellers thousands of dollars.
Here is what to consider:
If the price is too high -
Be objective and remember that selling your home is a business transaction, and you need to put your personal feelings and attachments to your home completely out of the equation. This is critical. Keep in mind that potential buyers are not looking to buy your home -
Pricing Your Home
Presenting your Home
No matter how attractive and polished your house may be, buyers will be comparing its price with everything else on the market. Your best guide is a record of what buyers have been willing to pay in the past few months for properties comparable to yours in your area. I will produce a thorough comparative market analysis (CMA) with the data of all comparables in your area. Based on these results, we will have a good idea of what the market value of your house is. The ultimate decision regarding how much to ask, however, is strictly yours. But I strongly encourage you to not fall into the temptation of overpricing the property -
REALTORS® don't establish value, the market does. I mention this because many real estate agents may come in here and try to buy your listing by saying they can get you more for your home. These attempts are done in hopes of securing the listing and coming back at a later date with a price reduction request -
Qualifying The Buyer
Once an interested buyer is located, they need to be qualified in the following terms: financial ability, buyer wants and buyer needs. This is not something you will be responsible for -
Remember -
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